Bicycle Wheel


There are many places on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands for bicycle riders to explore, visit, and to stay at.

From Port Hardy to Victoria, the Salish Cycle Route has some of the most awe-inspiring vistas to be seen on the west coast, which also includes the route for the Cops for Cancer ride.

Gabriola and Salt Spring are just two of the islands with vast networks of forest tails and Maps of the Gabriola trails can be obtained from GALTT

There are various B&B's which promote bicycle tourism, and some fairly amazing bike builders, including
Varna and Naked Bicycles who make some pretty incredible bikes and electric assist trikes and together have the fastest bicycle on the planet.

Places to stay
Gabriola Accomodations
SaltSpring Accomodations

Stuff to see

Things to do

Repair Shops

The Greater Nanaimo Cycling Coalition and the Comox Valley Cycling Coalition have been working on a Vancouver Island cycle route, here's a local news media article NanaimoBulletin
More information is available from the